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The fearless defender of Sivistys

The Lifelong Learning Foundation sr. (Kansanvalistusseura sr., the Kvs Foundation) is a non-affiliated organisation with a focus on lifelong learning and the concept of Sivistys.

With lifelong learning, we mean coming together to educate ourselves in order to take care of each other and the environment.

As fearless defenders of Sivistys, we also promote enlightenment and adult education. Learn more about the concept of Sivistys.

Established in 1874, the Kvs Foundation is the oldest foundation dedicated to Sivistys in Finland.

Read more about the Kvs Foundation
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Explore our upcoming events!

We operate as an expert community in the fields of liberal education, lifelong learning and adult education. Together with our partners, we develop lifelong learning solutions. While promoting learning through life, we aim to establish a dialogue between the different actors.

Read more about our events (in Finnish)

Sivistys Corner – open up your perspective!

The events at the Sivistys Corner are open to all who appreciate enlightenment. At the Sivistys Corner, we can all learn together without the need for formalities or putting on airs and graces. We would like to reflect together on what Sivistys means for us and how it can be seen in everyday life.

Sometimes things get shaken up with a fresh outlook ― at other times we focus on the significant turning points in the history of Finnish Sivistys.

Read more about the Sivistys Corner
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