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Lifelong learning strengthens civil society

One of the goals of our Foundation is to promote lifelong learning. Did you know that UNESCO has declared lifelong learning as one of the fundamental human rights?

We operate as an expert community in the fields of liberal education, lifelong learning and adult education.  Together with our partners, we develop lifelong learning solutions. While promoting learning through life, we aim to establish a dialogue between the different actors.

We maintain the operations of the Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre and the Kulkuri School of Distance Education for expatriate Finnish children. Both educational institutions, as well as the Kvs Foundation itself, have been awarded the OKKA Foundation’s sustainable development certificate. With our triple certification, we are heading towards a sustainable future together! 

Learn more about the Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre Etko Learn more about the Kulkuri School of Distance Education

We promote liberal education, lifelong learning and adult education

Learn more about our advocacy work

While promoting lifelong learning, we aim to establish a dialogue between the different actors. We work close to the everyday life of learners and listen to their needs. We create opportunities for dialogue, for example with our Finnish and English publications. 

Our projects generate new models of learning in areas such as digitisation, lifelong learning and life skills, as well as other basic skills. 

Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre

Open for everyone, the Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre Etko offers study and hobby courses at the heart of Helsinki. Each year, the Centre organises over 250 courses with approximately 4,000 participants. 

The courses are held by experienced adult educators, mainly at Iso Roobertinkatu, Laivurinkatu and Punavuorenkatu. 

The Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre has been awarded the OKKA Foundation’s sustainable development certificate. 

Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre

Kulkuri School of Distance Education

Each year, over 400 Finnish children around the world study in the Kulkuri School of Distance Education. In Kulkuri, children who are of the basic education age can study all school subjects in their own native language and, if needed, even get a basic education certificate. 

Kulkuri also includes Nomadskolan where Finnish-Swedish children can study Swedish as their native language and Finnish as a second domestic language. The school’s operations are maintained by the Kvs Foundation and the City of Raasepori.

Kulkuri is the first Finnish online school to have been awarded the OKKA Foundation’s sustainable development certificate. 

Kulkuri School of Distance Education


The contact persons of Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre and Kulkuri School of Distance Education will help you with matters related to studies and studying! The headmaster of Southern Helsinki Adult Education Centre is Mia Talikka and director of Kulkuri School is Ulla Harmaala.

Ulla Harmaala Koulunjohtaja (1.8.2024-30.6.2025) | School Director (1.8.2024–30.6.2025) +358 44 4914 950
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